Complete Information for RBI Grade B Exam 2019

Reserve Bank of India released the notification for the RBI Recruitment for the post of Officer Grade B General, DSIM, and DEPR. RBI releases the Admit Card for the different posts separately on the official website. This is a huge opportunity for the candidates who have applied for RBI Grade B Recruitment Notification 2019.
- There is a total of 199 vacancies for the various post in Reserve Bank of India.
- Once the RBI Grade B Admit card release, the candidate can download the Hall Ticket from the official website of RBI.
- However, the admit card will release 10 days before the exam. We are expecting to release in the last week of October 2019.
- The RBI will release the date of Grade B Admit Card 2019 of Phase II will be released for those students who clear Phase I of the Exam.
Instructions for RBI Grade B Admit card 2019
- Candidates must take the RBI Grade B Admit Card along with them to the exam center, otherwise, applicants are not allowed to enter the exam hall.
- Along with the call letter, candidates should take the original and a xerox copy (2-3 copies) of their identity proof.
- Candidates are suggested to wear formal dress (both female and male) while going for the exam.
- You are not allowed to take Mobile Phones, Wallet, Calculator, Any Electronic or Bluetooth Device, Any Storage Device, Food Items, etc.
- Applicants are only allowed to take pen (black or blue ball-point) to fill the circles in the answer sheet.
Important Documents Required in RBI Grade B Exam
- Print out of RBI Grade B Admit Card 2019.
- Original and photocopy of valid photo ID proof (Pan Card, Aadhar Card, Passport, Ration Card, Voter ID, etc).
- Two recent passport-size color photographs with a light-colored background.
What is the Procedure to be a part of RBI?
- The Multiple-Choice Question will be asked for Prelims.
- However, Mains Exam would comprise both Objective and Descriptive Test.
- To clear the RBI Grade B Selection Process, there are 3 stages-
- Prelims
- Mains
- Interview
Steps to Download the Hall Ticket 2019
- Visit the official website of RBI on the Homepage.
- Enter login credentials (Registration Number/ Roll Number and Date of Birth/ Password)
- Click on the Submit Button and the admit card will display on the screen.
- Download the admit card and take a printout for future reference.
Know the details about the Cut Off 2019
- Once the result would be declared, the officials will release the cutoff.
- The RBI Grade B Cut Off will release separately for each post.
- Reserve Bank of India has set the rule that there are only 6 attempts for the general category and unlimited attempts for the SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidates.
- The cut off will release on the basis of the category of the applicants for each subject.
- From the below table candidates can take the reference of expected cut-off, to get an idea for upcoming cut off of RBI Grade B-
Subjects | General | OBC | SC | ST | PWD |
General Awareness | 22-23 | 16-18 | 14-16 | 14-16 | 15-17 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 8-10 | 6-8 | 6-8 | 7-9 | 6-8 |
English Language | 8-10 | 5-9 | 5-9 | 6-8 | 6-8 |
Reasoning | 15-17 | 12-15 | 12-15 | 11-13 | 11-13 |
Overall | 106-110 | 96-98 | 92-94 | 92-94 | 93-95 |