How to score 100 marks in English Class 12?
Many students do not prepare properly for the English subject as this subject has been in their syllabus for 11 years. For Class 12, there are many other difficult subjects to study and students think that it is not right to give time for English. In this article, we will discuss how to manage English subject preparation with other subjects and how to prepare for an English subject to get 100 out of 100 marks.
To study the English subject students must download English NCERT Books Class 12 to understand how to study the subject. As per the latest guidelines published by the CBSE board, it is a mandatory subject for students. English will not need much time as compared to other compulsory subjects. 30 mins every day and 1 hour on weekends will be enough to study English for one year of preparation. The CBSE board has introduced English as a compulsory subject in the name of English (Core) and another English subject as an optional subject in the name of English (Elective). Let’s discuss the pattern of the exam for both papers.
The pattern of the exam
1. English (Core) – This paper will have three sections, viz. A, B, and C. Section A and Section B will be of 30 marks each. Section C will be 40 marks. Section A will test reading skills. Section B will test the advanced writing skills test and section C will be based on literature- English books and long texts.
- Section A – This section will have two unseen passages. One passage will be of 20 marks and it will consist of 5 multiple choice questions, 9 objective questions, and 3 short answer questions. Another passage will be of 10 marks and it will consist of only 3 short answer questions.
- Section B – This section will have 3 questions. The First will be to advertise writing for 4 marks. The second question will be about letter writing for 6 marks. The third question will be a report or speech writing for 20 marks.
- Section C – This section will have a total of 6 questions. The first question will be objective questions for 8 marks. The second question will be of 12 marks where short answer questions are asked. The last four questions will be short answer questions for 6 marks each that is 24 marks in total.
2. English (Elective) – This paper will also have three sections. Section A, Section B, and Section C are those three sections. Section A will have 30 marks, Section B will have 30 marks and Section C will have 40 marks. Section A will have reading-based questions. Section B will have creative writing and grammar-based questions. Section C will have literature-based questions.
How to prepare for the subject?
1. Recognize weak areas – Every student has their weakness. In English, there are mainly three skills that are reading comprehension, creative writing, and grammar. Many students are weak at least one of the above. Remember to improve on weak areas. If reading comprehension is weak, read the daily newspaper. Note down new words. Try to increase reading speed. If creative writing is weak, practice as many essays, letter writing, speech writing, and advertise making questions until you get it right.
2. Read textbooks – Reading textbooks will get you maximum marks. Stick to the reading textbook and solve questions from the textbook. For the English (core) subject there are two books, flamingo and vistas. For English(elective) there is one book called kaleidoscope. Read them through. These textbooks are responsible for 40 marks of the paper.
3. Read the newspaper – Reading apart from the textbook is important for the development of language skills. Reading newspapers will always help in improving vocabulary and grammar. For this exam, students do not need to read the whole newspaper. Just read the editorial page and headlines so that it can help in the creative writing part too.
4. Practice sample papers – Practicing sample papers is important. English subject papers do not get finished in time. Hence it is important that to increase writing speed students need to solve sample papers. Solving sample papers will help students strategize their time. Students will be able to solve each question at its designated time. Solving questions before time is as important as keeping the quality of answers in the exam. Analyze solved papers. Note down the recurring mistakes. Improve on weaker sections.
How to solve English paper –
1. Reading comprehension part – Passage reading and answering the questions based on that passage is called reading comprehension. Reading comprehension is easy and time-saving if students know how to tackle them. If students have slow reading speed, then first read all the questions. Then try to find the answers. This saves a lot of time. If the question is writing the summary of the passage, then try to understand the idea of the passage and look at how the passage has ended. Keep the tone of the summary like the passage, then write some parts of the passage without examples mentioned in the passage and repetitive concepts. Generally, the CBSE board exam gives 800 – 900 words of the passage, then students are expected to write 200 – 300 words of summary.
2. Creative Writing – It is the most challenging part of the exam. If a student is struggling to get high marks in these questions, then try to improve on them. First, read the question carefully and understand what the topic is. Understanding what is asked is the important part. Then decide what you are going to write. Arrange your thoughts in proper order in such a way that your answer has a good conclusion. Write in good handwriting and without mistakes.
3. Grammar and other sections – For these sections focus on reading from the textbook. Students also can refer to any grammar book. For other sections there is no need to refer to other books. Only reading of chapters, again and again, will suffice.
The English subject for Class 12 has never been easier but the marks from toppers in past years tell a different story. If you believe in yourself and confidently write the exam, surely, no one can steal your success from yourself.