3 Common Security Guard Duties

Security guards play an important role in many establishments. They are there to make sure that staff, customers and vendors are safe from harm and are trained to act in the event of an emergency. On a normal day, a security guard may monitor cameras and alarms, patrol the area and perform crowd control duties.
- Monitor Surveillance Systems
Even small businesses usually have some sort of surveillance system in place that will allow someone to monitor the interior and exterior of the building. Hiring a security officer Detroit to watch the monitors and spot suspicious behavior can prevent shoplifting or employee theft.
- Perform Security Checks
While watching the monitors can be an effective way for a security guard to see what is happening in the building, going on patrols is also part of the job. When they walk around an office or store to make their presence known, it can be a deterrent to criminals who do not want to act near someone who could thwart their attempts. Driving around parking lots may also be required to ensure everyone outside is safe and following the rules. A trained security guard will be vigilant everywhere they go and be able to sense when someone is trying to divert them.
- Crowd Control
During busy times or special events, security guards can make sure that people are not unruly or breaking the rules. They can assist people who need help figuring out where to go and keep an eye out for signs of trouble. A trained professional will help things go smoothly and notice signs of impending riots, stampedes or other emergencies. They may also direct traffic to reduce conflict between customers in a busy parking lot.
Any company that hires a security guard, whether it is for everyday needs or for a special event, should make sure that it finds someone it can trust to be professional and effective.