3 Tips for Training a Cross-Country Horse
Cross country is a jumping event that many horseback riders enjoy. Because it requires of lot of skill and training to be a successful cross-country jumper, you need to spend a lot of time preparing your horse for the course. Use these three tips to start the training process.
Introduce Your Mount To Many Types of Jumps
Your horse will encounter many types of jumps on the cross-country course, and you don’t want him or her to spook when approaching unfamiliar obstacles. Introduce your mount to many different types of obstacles such as horse jump coops and home so your mount is familiar with them on the course.
Work On Your Horse’s Endurance
Unlike other jumping events, cross country courses are long and there is often a lot of space between obstacles. Your mount will need to conserve energy while covering ground at a decent pace to complete the course on time. If you want to be a successful cross-country jumper, you need to first make sure your mount has the endurance to complete the course. Work on building up his or her strength and go for long trail rides at different paces.
Practice Your Jumping Skills
You can’t be a good cross-country rider if you can’t keep your seat while jumping. Even if your horse is experienced, you will slow him or her down if you aren’t a skilled rider. Work on your jumping skills in your arena at home to make sure you can keep up with your mount.
Riding cross country is exciting. It takes a lot of skill and stamina to complete a course successfully so you have to prepare your mount before tackling this type of event. Use these three tips to make sure you and your mount are prepared to handle such a strenuous event and you will reap the rewards on the course.