Advantages of acquiring property in Athens

Greece has successfully overcome the financial crisis and is now systematically developing its economy. More and more wealthy foreigners choose this country to buy luxury real estate. It is noteworthy that you can get a full residence permit to buy apartment in Athens. The corresponding government program has been running for more than seven years.
Living in the center
The center of Athens is the area within a radius of 4-5 kilometers from the historical center, not reaching the problematic areas. The advantages of this area are obvious: the center of the European capital, where all the museums and historical sights are concentrated, the infrastructure is well developed and there is always where to go to have fun. Most luxury villas in Greece are rented for a short time, so it will be beneficial for you to rent your apartment for a long time.
There are ideal residents: foreigners with high salaries who initially include the cost of rent in their estimate and understand how long they need it. In addition, often the rent is compensated by the company-employer, and they know the term from the very beginning: how long the contract lasts, they will rent for so long. These are people who will not hide from any payments and they do not need to be forcibly evicted later.
What about the coast?
If we consider buying property on the coast, then this is a great option if you live there, but as soon as we talk about renting out, then the center is a much more profitable option. This is due to the fact that wealthy families most often choose the center for rent, but less solvent families settle on the coast. And if we are talking about rich Greeks and foreigners, then they choose luxury properties in new houses with swimming pools and large terraces overlooking the sea.