Caring for Yourself and Your Home in the Winter Months

If you live in a place that experiences cool weather in the fall or winter, it’s good to prepare for the changes that come with the temperature shifts. As soon as your local news anchor begins to talk about covering plants and using space heaters with caution, this is your cue to make a list of all you need to do to ensure a safe and festive winter.
Winter is cold until you add some heat. Is your home equipped to keep you warm? You don’t want to wake up on a chilly day and feel the chill before you even leave your house. Schedule a first appointment or a regular check-up with heating and cooling services Fall River MA. Test and dust off electric fireplaces and space heaters. Ask professionals about insulating your home.
Bushes and plants have different needs. Some benefit from being bundled in cloth or another covering during a freeze. If you have a sprinkler system that operates on a schedule, make sure to turn it off on the coldest days. Do you want to make a fountain of ice for your neighbors to admire? Maybe not. While you’re outside, take in any plants that live in pots and are easy to relocate.
Pets and Humans
Furry family members, even those who live indoors, might notice a change in the weather, too. When you take out additional blankets for you and your family, also set out a fuzzy animal bed. Expect some pets to suddenly remember that your lap is a warm place to sit. Welcome this new friendliness and help keep each other warm. Have hot tea and hot chocolate accessible, as well as cough drops in case the weather isn’t the only cold you experience.
Have a good time watching your breath in the air outside, but remember to take refuge in your warm house, too.