Improve Your Classroom Hygiene Practices
When it comes to the transmission of germs and diseases, you can never be too cautious. In a classroom setting, where many sets of hands are traveling around, it wouldn’t hurt to update the hygiene practices. Though things like plexiglass or individual station barriers may need to be ordered through a local plastic welding services company, you can work on these other areas.
- Touch-Free Doorway Greetings
Rather than exchange high fives or handshakes when the kids come to class, have a sign posted by the door each morning that shows the day’s door greeting. You can choose from options like throwing a peace sign, doing a dab dance, giving an air hug, making the Namaste position and more. This keeps lots of germs from getting exchanged through direct contact, but it also adds some personality to the morning routine.
- Schedule Hygiene
Rather than leaving hygiene habits like sanitizer or hand washing up to chance, put these activities into the daily schedule. You could highlight portions of the schedule in a specific color to give a visual clue to take a break for hygiene, or you could make a game out of it by having clue words that are randomly given throughout the day.
- Personalize Everything
While it may be hard to actually personalize everything, a good investment in a pack of Sharpie markers can help label each child’s individual items. Clearly marked pieces of property make it a lot harder to grab someone else’s, even by mistake. This can keep a lot of germs from floating around the room via a shared water bottle, crayon container or more.
Personal hygiene should be an important part of the classroom setting, as it helps keep both teachers and students from contracting unwanted germs. Making it a fun part of the day will help hygiene habits become routine and automatic.