Security Guard Training – How To Start Your Training And Apply For Security Guard Jobs

Requirements for Becoming an Armed Security Guard vary from state to state. You first need to complete all the requirements for an unarmed security guard. This means you first need to be at least eighteen years of age, be a U.S. citizen and either have a green card or already have a background in the military. Once you meet these requirements, you can apply for Security Guard Training. If you are accepted, then you will have to complete a Security Guard Training Academy and go through several courses, ranging from classroom training to live in classroom training to online training.
Most security guards are used in conjunction with other types of security guards. They are responsible for guarding premises and for the prevention of crime. A lot of security guards specialize in a particular field such as burglary, vandalism, drug abuse or domestic violence. There are security guards that specialize in arrests, following suspects or on high risk crimes such as suicide. If you want to work in this field, then you will first need to complete Security Guard Training.
There are also some specific qualifications required of Security Guard Training that aren’t related to the job you’ll be working in once you complete Security Guard Training. For example, in unarmed security guard training, you’ll learn how to use a firearm safely. It’s illegal to carry a firearm without a license in many states. Therefore, when you complete security training and receive a security guard certificate, it’s important to remember that the weapon must always be secured in a secure location.
Security Guard Training also includes courses on how to do CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). During your pre-assignment to a security company, you will have to do a pre-hospital emergency first aid training course. You’ll learn how to perform basic first aid such as dealing with a cut or wound, dressing wounds and calming a frightened person. This part of the security guard training course is especially important, as you’ll need to be able to provide medical attention immediately.
In order to qualify as an unarmed security guard in most states, you will need to successfully complete a state certified security guard training course. There are currently states that require that you pass the National Security Guard Association (NSAGA) examination. Passing this exam is not mandatory, but it does increase your chances of being hired by a security guard company. If you are interested in becoming an armed guard, it would be best if you took a security guard certification course first.
When you complete the course, you will need to obtain an official security guard card (also known as a CSCS or CDCS). These cards are not required to work as guards, but it does give you access to different types of jobs. You will also need to provide a copy of your registration card to the NSAGA. Although armed security guards must have their cards when working, some states allow for the employee to still complete a certificate program without the card, but not a national certification.
The certificate program is a good idea because it gives you the opportunity to gain experience and gather the necessary knowledge needed to successfully complete the security training course and achieve your goal of employment as a security guard in a new state. It doesn’t however, make you a “good candidate” for a security guard contract in a new state. Each new state assigns its own security guard training courses and you’ll need to successfully complete the training in order to apply for a new state guard contract. The only way for you to know which security training courses are accepted for employment is by contacting your state’s security training board. Even though it isn’t required, it is recommended that you take this course even if your current employer does not require it.
If you decide to go through the security guard training course, then you will need to complete the application process as soon as possible. This is because the longer you wait the less likely you are to get hired. There are many security guard jobs available in the United States, but the security guards should always be on the lookout for new opportunities that may arise. If you’re currently serving in the military, then there are some security guard jobs available at bases around the country. However, armed security guard jobs are generally only available to security guards who have been professionally trained and certified.