The nights of an escort girl Paris

Have you ever wondered what could happen to an escort girl Paris (or even in the provinces)? How was his job escorting concretely? How were his arrangements held, were his days coordinated? I do ! After watching the eponymous Secret diary series of a call girl on DVD. After a long time, Victoria, 28, agreed to give me the answer. She is part of the minority of French to have practiced the job of escort in Paris, and gives us the intimate secrets of the profession: tariffs, sociology of customers, their personal motivations (and hers). For 2 hours, thanks to your favorite sociologist, you will be able to share the intimacy of a call girl .
How / why does one become an escort girl?
It could be the most seasoned occupation on the planet, is it the last possibility? Is a lady accompanying? What is the distinction among accompanying and prostitution?
Everything began when a man, met on the Internet, offered him cash in return for acknowledging one of his dreams. Helpless, she hesitates and finally agrees. 150 € for an hour, when you are a testudinate it does not refuse. Gradually Victoria discovers, stupefied, the inexhaustible source of men willing to pay up to 250 € per hour for the presence of a woman. For almost 2 years, she will live more comfortably these “sessions” met on specialized sites
At 25, I wanted to explore my sexuality, give me pleasure
Victoria, etudiante and escort Paris
What does an escort client want?
How does she see the eyes of men? Do some become regular customers? Friends ?
How does a woman manage to cash her body for hard cash? What does an escort client claim? Pure accompaniment? Sex? Attention ?
A client first of all needs a woman to take care of him
Victoria, etudiante and escort Paris
How is an appointment with an escort girl?
My first client wanted me to walk in front of him half-naked, before having exchanged a single word (…) He knew it was the first time they paid me, he wanted to pervert me. It was his fantasy: an escorting situation where money was at stake. He was timidly shy, trembling, and could not look me in the eye.
Victoria, etudiante and escort Paris
The key phases of the appointment with an escort in Paris (if the appointment is at home, cad outcall )
- Arrange money (in cash) on a table in order to avoid having to ask for it
- Respect the instructions provided on his escort announcement and / or evoked by telephone with the escort
- Some escorts prefer that the meeting take place outside at first, for security reasons
The personal site is outdated. We place ads on Vivastreet, Advert or Tescort
Victoria, etudiante and escort Paris
Interview of Victoria, escort girl in Paris, by EscortE (escort directory)
I was excited by the feeling of having power. The money reminds me that I was worth it, gave me the importance
Victoria, etudiante and escort Paris
Victoria, escort girl in Paris for 2 years, answers all of EscortE questions in an exclusive interview that turns out to be the only one available in French on the subject (nearly 2 hours of interview in total). Completely free, entirely for you.
Itw escort, Paris, first part
Priority # 1 was to create an anonymous email, and to open a second phone line. I discovered it while chatting with other escorts.
Victoria, etudiante and escort Paris