What Every Criminal Defendant Needs To Know About Bail Bonds
When you hear a jail cell door close behind you, the first thought to enter your head is likely, “how soon do you get to go home?” For most alleged criminals, an arraignment needs to take place before a bail amount is set. Once the bail is set, you can arrange for a bail bond, so you can go home and wait for your trial.
- A Bond is a Loan
While you can pay your bail out-of-pocket, keep in mind that you will not recover that money until after the trial or court proceedings. However, by working with a 24 hour bail bonds Allentown Pa, you can receive a bond, which is a loan. You pay a fee, and the bond company pays your bail.
- Forfeiture is Real
If you do not have enough money to pay the fee, or if a bond dealer feels there is too much risk involved, you may need to use collateral to secure the bond. However, if you fail to appear for your court dates, you forfeit the collateral.
- Regulation is Crucial
Before you work with any bail bonds company, make sure they have a current license with the state. Bonds regulation is crucial to ensuring that people do not get scammed out of their hard-earned money. Most municipalities place limits on fees, so make sure any company you work with complies with current state laws.
- Bail Money is Held
The primary reason people go with a bail bond agent instead of paying out-of-pocket is that bail money is held until after the trial. Most people cannot afford to lose a substantial amount of money, even temporarily, so they pay the bond fee to secure the greater sum without taking away from their personal finances.
Do not stay in jail any longer than you must. Contact a Bail Bonds company for more information and assistance.