What Is an Artesian Well?

To access water for household or commercial use, or for irrigation, well drilling Naples FL is necessary. In many cases, this water has to be pumped to the surface so it can be used. However, in some cases, the water flows to the surface of its own accord and doesn’t need to be pumped. These wells are called artesian wells.
What Is the Definition of an Artesian Well?
A lot of people misunderstand what an artesian well is, so they use the term in ways that are incorrect. Some people think that any deep well drilled into rock is an artesian well. However, merely being deep is not what characterizes an artesian well. Artesian wells can be either deep or shallow, so long as they tap into an aquifer, which is an area of naturally occurring groundwater storage, that is pressurized. The underground forces exerted on the water cause it to flow to the surface where it can be more readily accessed.
Some advertisements for bottled water make a point of saying that their water is artesian as though that made it purer, healthier, or more beneficial. However, this is just a clever marketing ploy, probably because the word “artesian,” sounds impressively fancy. There’s no difference between artesian water, spring water, or tap water other than the way it is collected.
Where Did the Name Come From?
Artesium is the Latin name for a town in France founded during the Roman Empire. Today, it is known as Artois. In the Middle Ages, after the Empire fell but before the name of the town was changed, a number of artesian wells were drilled. These were known to be the best-flowing wells in Europe. The name “artesian” derives from the Roman name for the town. They are still known as artesian today even though the name of the city has changed.
Artesian wells are special because conditions have to be right for them to exist. However, the water they provide is no different or better than that from wells that have to pump the water up to the surface.