When Should I See Doctor For COVID-19 Treatment?
COVID-19 is a disease which you must know how to prevent. So far, that’s the treatment available against this pandemic. However, if you are infected from coronavirus, the following symptoms may be there:
- High fever causing sweats or chills
- Cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue and symptoms that might confuse it with Flu.
- Breathing Problems or Short Breaths
Presence of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean that you are affecting with COVID-19.
Is It Time To Call The Doctor?
More than 190 countries are affected from COVID-19. Did you travel internationally to any of the countries and got infected? Did you come in close contact with anyone infected? Did you touch anything infected with the virus?
If you are not sure whether you are infected, phone consultation with a doctor should be the next step. Talk to the doctor and tell him about the symptoms and travel history. You should also make him aware of the possible contact with a person with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19.
While you must be concerned, it crucial to understand that most patients with symptoms such as high fever, cough, sore throat or tiredness may be suffering froma common cold or other respiratory ailments. There is no need for test if you don’t have symptoms of COVD-19.
Avail Telehealth Services. If you are uncomfortable visiting a doctor or are unable to go to your doctor, you must avail telehealth service if available. The consultation may be provided over the phone or computer with the help of video conferencing apps.
Diagnosis of COVID-19
The doctor may prescribe for test for further diagnosis. As of now, COVID-19 tests are dealt with an emergency to contain the spread. The healthcare provider may take swabs from the nose and throat or blood to diagnose the presence of the virus. These are sent to laboratories for testing. It may take some time 2-3 days to know whether you are infected with coronavirus or not from the doctor you had visited. Depending on the seriousness of symptoms, the doctor may advise you to stay in the hospital in complete isolation from other patients to prevent the spread of the virus. Even if the doctor says you are well enough to return home while you are waiting for test results, you should
- Remain quarantined at home and don’t attend work or school.
- Sanitize your hands often with soap.
- Wear a mask so that cough and sneeze don’t spread the virus.
Even if you are tested positive, self-isolation is the available cure either in the hospital or in the home. So, ensure that you don’t get infected in the first place. Phone consultation with a doctor should be your first response against any visible symptoms.